Thinking about getting guineas...


Jul 19, 2015
Ocean City, Maryland
I've been thinking about getting guineas for a while and I might order some soon... I haven't done too much research. Are they really loud? How many should I get if space is limited? Are they similar to chickens in their laying habits?
I've been thinking about getting guineas for a while and I might order some soon... I haven't done too much research. Are they really loud? How many should I get if space is limited? Are they similar to chickens in their laying habits?

Guineas can be very loud especially young hens entering their first breeding season.

Guineas are seasonal layers starting in the spring and stopping in the fall or when they go broody on a clutch of eggs.

I highly recommend that you do a lot of research before getting guineas. You can start by reading the Raising Guinea Fowl 101 thread and pay particular attention to the posts made by PeepsCa.
If you have neighbors that will be upset by wandering, chattering/screaching guineas, they may not be a good choice. When I moved here I inherited a tri of guineas. They roost in a tree behind my barn in the summer and in my barn in the winter. My land lord says they are not his, so I guess it is a good thing I don't run them off. They roam the entire neighborhood. I see them far out in the cattle and horse pastures surrounding my pasture.

You will have to have a covered run if you will need to keep them home. They can fly waaaaay better than chickens.
I don't seem to have a problem with the noise. If your neighbors are within earshot they might complain.

Normally, they're REALLY, REALLY loud when there's something wrong. I'm so thankful that the other morning they sounded their alarm.
I had just let the chickens out and a fox was lurking after them. Guineas really have a good eye for any predators.

Sometimes in the evening, right before bedtime, they like to yell. But it's no big deal. If they keep it up after dark I know there's something wrong.

I find them comforting, knowing I have Watch Dogs. I'm sure there's a lot of other people that would disagree with me.

Hahahaha........ Maybe I've just become immune to it. :-/
Are they really loud? How many should I get if space is limited?
Loud would be an understatement. Loud, piercing shrill at times. It doesn't bother me, but I did start to wonder if the neighbors 1/4 of a mile away could hear it. Not that I've asked yet... And it's not constant, just when they are trying to tell you something. I've never heard them from within the coop.

A space minimum would be 4 square feet per bird. Do you already have a coop or would you need to build one?
I only have two guineas right now and they put my neighbor's rock band to shame at times. Roaming, roads, and raucous are the three things to worry about with GF. They also like to bully chickens.

BUT, they are the COOLEST birds, fun to watch, and if you don't mind the noise- great watch dogs. They're like little dinosaurs that eat ticks and june bugs!
I loved our guineas, but yes, they are loud. If you don't have neighbors nearby, it doesn't matter. Ours did not go too far, maybe ranged about an acre around our house. They cleared the area of ticks. We let them free range, and they roosted in trees year round. They loved our donkeys and would eat the horseflies and other bugs off them, even ride on their backs. The donkeys were loud too, they made great music together! I called it concerto grosso!

Eventually, one by one over the years, they all were taken by predators, always at night. If you can start them off coming in at night, you'd avoid that. Also, they liked sitting on our vehicles and pooped all over them! We had to wash our car before going anywhere. I'm sure you can get a sample of their songs on Youtube. Good luck!
What kind of guineas do you guys have and what kind do u recommend getting

I have french guineas. It kind of depends what you plan to do with them, but in the end I don't think it matters too much. So, just go by what looks good to you. There aren't really breed particularities like with chickens and ducks, etc. It's mostly just a color variant.

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