14week old chick, cockerel or pullet?


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
I have a barred rock chick who is 14 weeks old, hes tiny, at 5 weeks i was told it was a cockeral because it was linkbred?(something like that) because it was mixed and had the barred rock characteristics... Well now i was told that she could be a full barred rock since the mother was in touch with a barred rock rooster at her previous location, making it it possible for her to have been with him . Since this was the first egg she laid when she got here , it is possible hes a full barred rock. Either way,,,,,,, im ghnna attach pictures to show you, hes 14weeks old, he has barely any comb, its not red, he is tiny as hell. Ill attach a picture of my other cockerel who is 14weeks as well, hatched the same day as the barred rock one

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