What breed is this 17 week old rooster?


Oct 8, 2015
We have not been able to identify this breed of rooster that came with our run of buff orpington hens. He is currently 17 weeks old. His tail feathers are coming in as a deep emerald green color with a touch of cream and brown. The rust/brown coloring is symmetrical on both sides. Ignore the red coloring on the very end of his tail feathers - he brushed up against wet paint when we painted the coop.

Possibly Silver Leghorn? Columbian Wyandotte? We can't find anything yet that matches. Thanks for any help!

Hmmm...green legs with a pea comb, maybe easter egger with Brahma overtones (neck feathers remind me of my buff brahma). I'm def not an expert though.
He is an easter egger. They are essentially a 'mixed breed' with variable egg color being their feature. This mixing also causes them to in come in a very very wide variety of colors and patterning. Don't insist on finding one exactly like him....

If you hatch the eggs and the daughters lay green eggs that would be your ultimate proof.

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