best absorbent material for a poop board??

You might try a bag Sweet PDZ. I found nothing better, and when I cleaned off the poop board completely to start fresh, I just scooped off the poop and tossed whatever was left of the Sweet PDZ on the board right into the litter. Does a bang up job of getting rid of ammonia smells and dries poop up fast!

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Sorry to hear that you are having problems. What about the sand that is not working?
I use a mixture of sand, DE, garden soil and Sweet PDZ for my "catch containers" or poop boards. The birds do scratch & peck in them after I scoop them out every day, so I'm not sure if cat litter is suitable or not?
Cat litter may work. What is the problem with sand?
Noooo, probably not a good idea.
Some cat littlers have chemicals in them and the even the pure plain clay stuff wouldn't be good inside a chicken.

I use sand mixed with PDZ about a half inch deep, keep sit from sticking to board and the PD absorbs ammonia,
sift all the poops out 2-3 times a week with 15 birds.
Use a cut down garden hoe to help push it all into mesh basket, scrape roosts and any wet spots.

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We use Sweet PDZ on the poopboard with great success. It helps absorb odor and moisture. I use a mesh paper/desk tray and a wide putty knife to "scoop".
We took a piece of 1/4 inch hardware cloth we had leftover, formed one of end of it to look like a cat litter scoop, rolled the other end to make a handle, and covered the "handle" with electrical tape to protect hands. Worked amazingly well - most other methods involved either cat litter scoops which missed a lot of the smaller "crumbs" or slotted spoons and such. This one was effective and cheap!

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