Hatching heat help


8 Years
Dec 26, 2011
I left home very early today (5am) and have some eggs in the bator- they are day 19. The temp is set 36.9 and the humidity is hovering around 45%
Icame home at 7pm and the alarm was ringing "HI" and the temp reading was 40.2'C

I turned the bator off and let it cool to 36.5 but apparently it got to over 40'C here today.

? I also have a broody sitting on. Eggs and she doesn't look like she has budged either and her eggs are silkies at day 19.

Are my lil babes in shell all dead?

What do you on super hot days to the bator and with broodies?
Thanks that is a great article.

I have now idea how long my lil ones would have been at or above the lethal temp of 105°F = 40.6°C just that it was alarming and the day was very got earlier so may have even a few hours- will have to hope and wait watch and see.

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