Hi from New Member in WI


Sep 27, 2016
I am a new proud chicken owner, having just started this year with 13 birds here in West Centeral Wisconsin. I have a mixed breed flock with one Roo for sure and my two silkies I am pretty sure are roos as well, but as my main guy is dominant, it is hard to tell. Most of the flock hatched early May and I am STILL waiting for my first egg! Now that the days are already getting shorter way up here, I am afraid I might have to wait for steady laying until spring. Any experience for this newbie? Thanks!

Bet you get some eggs soon. By mid Oct. or first of Nov.
Greetings from Kansas, JenWen, and :welcome. Great to have you aboard. Yes, you will be eating fresh eggs in October! And as brand new layers you'll likely get the occasional egg in the winter. Some folks add artificial light to their coop so laying continues (hens need about 14 hrs. light per day to lay regularly). Also, if you'd like to chat with locals you can find the WI thread in this link https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you
Best wishes and keep warm this winter! :)
Hello there and welcome to Backyard chickens!! My chickens hatched out in March and I started getting eggs in August, and if they stop during the winter because the daylight hours decrease, you can set up a light in the coop at night so they get their 12 hours of light, even is some is artificial. Good luck and have fun! Also, if you are interested in figuring out the gender of your birds, post them in this page:

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