new chicks

we use a heat lamp for them but sometimes it gets a little to hot so we don't put it in direct contact with them don't know what wattage though. And we use pine shavings over hay but they both work good.
Here are a few articles that should be able to answer your questions! Also I would use pine shaving over hay any day, I've been told hay isn't good for the chicks because it has a lot of dust and can easily mold and there are some other problems.

How To Raise Baby Chicks
Raising Your Baby Chicks

How To Care For A Chick - First 60 Days:

  • You'll need a chick brooder - See our list of hmemade brooders
  • Flooring - Pine shavings & corn cob bedding are best. Stay clear of newspaper since it doesn't absorb well and can be slippery.
  • Temperature - 90 to 100 deg. for the first week, decrease 5 deg. per week. Be VERY careful of fire hazards!
  • Food & water - chick crumbles / starter & a chick waterer (see our list of homemade feeders & waterers)
  • Play time - Play with your chicks when young to get the use to being around people.
  • More details: Article: How To Raise Baby Chicks - Forum Section: Raising Chicks

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