Fun activities with your chicks...

Dj.....Welcome, how old are your chicks?? What breeds?? If they are just a few days old....there really isnt much you can "do with them" other than hold them and pet them. When they are about 3 weeks old....let them in the yard dureing the day, and if you can get some meal worms, or B Moths( the kind people fish with) you can offer them to the babies in moderation, for treats. Let them get them right out of your hands....they will follow you around the yard like puppies! Too fun! Mine are 3 weeks old now, and they have a small ladder in thier brooder box...they climb to get a treat from me. Its fun to watch them hop op there, and fight for the best position. Have fun...and enjoy your peeps!
Wow another young member im 11 and i got a chicken from school

welll u can try imprinting your chickens if you want them to follow you around

all you need to do is stand a little bit away from a chick and make a cheeping or clucking sound
aswell as cuping your hands and tap the tips of your nails on the ground
but you can only do this in the fist 48hours of your chicks life

i did it 3 times in the first 2 days
and now she follows me EVERYWHERE!
so hopfully it works a charm

and its also alot of fun

OH, thanks so much! Well we got one turkey, New Hampshire Reds, Rhode Island Reds, and Black Australorps...I think thats the name, and we have about 7 all together, and we plan on getting more...last year we had about nine and just about a month ago all but one were killed, so this year we are going to keep them safe as could be! The one Rooster that lived is a Leghorn or an Araucana...I'm not completely sure.

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