Goose is dizzy, can't walk, falls over?


11 Years
Dec 30, 2008
Hi Folks:

I have 6 chinese geese (2 males and 4 females, all just about 5 months old).

I noticed a couple of days ago that one of my male pekin ducks seemed to be picking at one of the male geese. Yesterday the young gander seemed to be having difficulty walking. He could walk, but didn't have very good balance. This morning when I let everyone out to run, I saw that he was worse. Then one of the female geese started treating him bad (jumping on him, pecking at him) after he fell down and was having a hard time getting back up (I've learned that chickens can also be rather 'mean' towards another of the flock that is sick).

I put the young gander and a small pekin (female) in their fenced in pen together for company.

I just finished checking on the gander and his condition (what ever it is) seems to have progressed to the point that he can no longer walk. If I try to have him lay on his belly, he tries to walk but just ends up very quickly losing his balance after a couple of steps and ending up on his side. I held him so he could drink and eat some. At this point he can't roll over onto his belly or get up at all.

He does not appear to have any wounds. There are no marks or problems it seems with his legs. After carefully watching him, he seems to have a problem with his balance or 'brain.' From what I've read, geese seem to rarely get diseases so my question is... does anyone have any idea what it might be?

Of the two males I have, he seems to have the largest 'nob' if that makes any difference. I don't believe there is any poison or anything in the yard he could have ingested. None of the other 5 geese, 6 ducks, or 78 chickens seem to be having any balance issues.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help....
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Sorry to hear about your Gander...
I wonder if you have checked the bottom of the feet for BumbleFoot...
It sounds like a problem with the feet. Check the bottom and if there are big boils forming and have hard crusted appearance, that could be the problem.
If a Duck or geese develope BF, it's very painful and they won't get around at all if it gets too bad.....let us know what you find and then we can talk......Good Luck.
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Hi Monathequeen:

Thanks for the reply. The gander doesn't have bumblefoot. There does not appear to be any scratches, infection or other wounds on either of his feet or legs. He is able to move his legs, he just doesn't appear to have the 'balance' to be able to sit up or stand/walk.

When is is 'laying down' he is not laying 'upright' (with his feet under him) but sort of stumbles and falls on his side and stays like that. He then has a very, very difficult time trying to 'right' himself to standup. (I've only seen him be able to stand once this evening by himself, but he quickly lost his balance and is again lying on his side.
Aww! sorry about your boy! I hope you can find out whats wrong with him..
Will he eat at all? Can you make him a wet mash with something to give him some strength?
Hi Redhen:

when I hold him (though he really does not like being held) he will eat some and drink some for me (Just a little). I put his water right next to him and I did see him move his head/neck enough to take a sip.

I'm trying to decide whether I should bring him in the house (in a box) for the night. He's hasn't been in the house since he was a baby so I'm thinking it might be more stress on him than the benefit. Right now he is in the fenced yard area of the coop that the ducks/geese usually sleep in at night. I'm leaning towards letting him stay in the familiar area with his duck friend and just keeping the other ducks/geese out for the night (i'm afraid they would sense he is sick and try to hurt him). He just looks uncomfortable on his side (but he won't rest/lay normally with his feet under him).

It really seems to be something neurologic related.

Its almost 10:00 p.m. here/dark, so I guess I'll try to feed/water him in the a.m. again while holding him as soon as its daylight. i'll try to make a mash for him (and pick him some of his favorite grass to eat too).
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I'd rule out two things: salmonella and botulism.

Has he had access to stagnant water, the kind of muck they make, algea water, etc? Wet or soured feed? Water that had feed put into it (as they often do) that didn't get cleaned out twice daily?

Are his droppings profuse and very watery and abnormally green?

If so, I'd consider making a molasses flush for him. has a molasses flush that if you use non-sulfur molasses is ok for geese. I'd also consider taking him to the vet to rule out both.

I'd also think about mycotoxins - any mildewed anything including old hay he could have gotten into? Compost? Mildew under some bedding or muck under coops?

I hope this helps.
I love geese, totally am attached to mine. I agree that I think this sounds neurological and most likely some toxin. Make sure he gets enough to eat and especially to drink. I'd consider giving him electrolytes through a poultry electrolyte package in his water especially if he has diarrhea. Because he's not drinking much and is apparently ill.
I have this exact problem! I have two female Chinese geese, and one has started having some issues. The other is extremely protective of the sick one, but I haven't been able to find any cause for it. I just thought at the beginning that she'd grow out of it? Anyway, I hope you have better luck with yours!
We have a rescued female African goose that has the exact same problems. She is unable to stand without tumbling forward or backwards. She now prefers to just sit. She is eating very well and the rehabber is giving her tons of greens and waterfowl pellets along with Drench. This is her second week on antibiotics (Baytril) and she had two B-12 shots also at the vets. It looks neurological-- she was rescued from our lake locally. Please if anyone knows what this is could you please advise?
Two days ago, two of my three geese became distressed, falling over and backward. We picked them up and held them upright until the worst past. They are now eating and drinking great, but still don't want to stand. I have picked one up and he will stand for a few minutes and then sit back down, but the other one can't seem to stand more than a couple seconds. Their poop is green and solidish, it was running when this started. They are very vocal and happy, I don't think they are sick. Please help if you have any ideas. You can text or call me at 405-485-2967 and talk to Tracy. Thanks

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