Rouen duck tips! (anything about Rouen ducks)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have a Rouen duck (New duck owner), so I need some advice and tips on what to do and anything preatty much:) so feel free to say anything about what to do with ducks And if my Rouen duck is a male or female... I have a pekin to! Her name is Francis:) please help so we can help other people too. Thank you

they're both a month and a half old the rouen quacks/honks more than the pekin.. the pekin just chirps and peeps but is bigger than the Rouen.
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They look happy. I have 6 ducks 3 Rouen's and 3 Rouen x blue Swedish. They are around 6 months old and my Rouen drake is just getting green head feathers. You can tell the boys from the girls earlier by the sounds they make the girls loud! Quack quack quack! The boys sort of whisper or mumble. Lots of people here to tell you what you need to know, and searching on here almost always yields answers. Lovely ducks you have there, do they have a pool? A pen? Coop? Do they free range in your yard? What do you feed them? Have you seen the treats for ducks list its awesome. Hope to hear more about them.
very nice ducks I have 6 of each first time raising them.. cant believe how quick they grow.. should be interesting...good luck to you !!
I love them! They're great. They poop a lot and make a mess. Make sure they have a good setup so they can't spill water. They grow up really fast. Read up and if you have any specific questions or concerns just ask. Great people here to help

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