Missed Raising chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 26, 2011
Few years back I had 14 chickens and due to cost and time I had to find homes for them. We missed having them so we decided to raise them again on a smaller scale. We have 3 right now. My guess is they are 20-24 weeks old. I know one is a buff orphington because I have raised them before. The other two not entirely sure. So if any one could help identifying, I would appreciate it. Thanks

Im almost positive this is an australorp. If not please correct me.

This one is the one Im having trouble identifying. Maybe an ameraucana?

Notice the tail already molting

On a side note, They all seem to be hens but the 2 pictured above have crowed a few times. And they were good sounding crows too. I know hens will sometimes crow but just to be sure let me know if these two are hens or roos.
They are both cockerels and since they both crowed it makes them 100% male! Look to BR either Aussie or JG and an EE :)

Edited to add: would love to see your BO too!
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To add, in the 3 months ive had them, they have only crowed maybe 3 mornings and at most 3 or 4 crows on those mornings.
They are both roosters. The bottom one is an Easter Egger. Check the bottoms of the feet on the top (black) one. If the bottoms of the feet are white, it is a Black Australorp. If they are yellow, it is a Black Jersey Giant.
Thanks everyone for the help. This morning confirmed it for me. They both were crowing back and forth at 6am. Ill have to find new homes for them. I live in town and dont want to bother my neighbors.

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