Nuisance vs predator


8 Years
Jan 15, 2012
Clemson, SC
Noticed freshly dug earth beneath the bricks that support the nest boxes that protrude from the back side of the house. Went and removed the ramp up to the boxes. The tunneler has gained access to the house and there was tunneling about 3-4" in diameter the was about 3-4" deep. With long sxrewdriver in one hand and pistol in the other I probed and think I've destroyed the tunnel system. The house has 23 pullets about 5 months old and a mature rooster and no chicken loss. Dont think any are laying - at least havent seen an egg but suppose the "visitor" could beeating any early eggs. My question is what could this be. I know I have snakes but have rats too so im willing feed the king snakes a few eggs in return for some rat controlm..I take em outta the chicken hoyse and relocate em to the barn. So what do y'all think I'm dealing with and how do I eliminate it.
Update: 2 minutes after I sent the last post I discovered an egg in the house. And it wasnt a lil was a full size egg. It was was pretty buried in a cirner of the house and since yougest son (16) was manning the farm in my absence last week not sure how long its been there sooo...depending onvwhat y'all think my visitor might be it could be eating eggs. Im anxious to hear the replies.
You can kill the snakes by using ceramic eggs; place a few around the outside of the coop. They'll hopefully eat it, which will kill it. Your feed store should have them. Some people also use wooden or plastic eggs. To try and prevent break ins, you can use 1/2" wire hardware cloth to seal off the floor. It's pretty good at deterring tunnelers/diggers.
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Thanks. Snakes dont bother me...used to make my living catching/selling them. I relocate all but the king snakes. Guess ill start digging trenches to lay wire. Anybody have any experience with how long galvanized chain link fencing survives when buried?
Well after finding an egg I looked in other locations that they might hide to lay...moved the ramp base and under it was another tunnel. (Ive attempted to attach photos). This thing, whatever it is, is big. The tunnel is easily 4" in diameter and goes down at a 45degree angle so its goung deep. So if its down there I need to eliminate it before I "dig proof" the house. Pics dont show in preview...hope they show in the post.
Well after finding an egg I looked in other locations that they might hide to lay...moved the ramp base and under it was another tunnel. (Ive attempted to attach photos). This thing, whatever it is, is big. The tunnel is easily 4" in diameter and goes down at a 45degree angle so its goung deep. So if its down there I need to eliminate it before I "dig proof" the house
Thinking about moving chickens outta the house - insert hose into th tunnel I have access to and pumping carbon monoxide down the hole. Any thoughts on that?
You can set a trap if it is a mole or gopher, but you would have to cover it with something to keep your chickens from messing with it. Are there any mounds? A 4" diameter hole sounds big for a mole or gopher. Maybe some one else will know what it is. Possums and armadillos are another possibility if there are no mounds.
Only mound was the hill of freshly dug earth...sorr of like they were digging tunnels and despositing the dirt outside at the edge of the house. Prob not armadillos...dont seem to have them up here. Now opposum...we have those and ive caught them in traps before so...maybe. Does anybody know if rats tunnel?

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