10 week old Polish cockerel loosing tail feathers


5 Years
Aug 7, 2014
Hi guys! Sven, my 10 1/2 week old Polish cockerel, is loosing his tail feathers. I noticed it about a week ago. He's on a little on the fiesty side, so when I noticed the first feather or two missing I didn't really think much of it. But now the poor guy only has 3 feathers on each side. He is in a grow out pen with a 10 1/2 week old Easter Egger pullet. I haven't noticed any feather loss on her. I have 7, year old hens in the coop the neighboring coop. One hen is molting, but other than that everybody is acting normally. Any ideas on what could be going on? When he was in the brooder he knocked some feathers out if his creay from jumping up into the chicken wire I put on top to keep them inside. Think it could just be he's too rambunctious? Thanks in advance!
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It sounds like he is going through a molt. Younger chickens can go through several molts before they get their adult feathers in (at least in my experience).

- BantamLover55

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