Thin Easter Egger....


9 Years
Feb 9, 2014
Riverview, Fla
Can anyone tell me if EE are generally more on the thin side?? I have an EE and a Barred Rock and the EE is significantly thinner than the BR?? She acts normal, eats, drinks and plays but just is thin?? They're both 8 months old btw. The BR is the head bird in pecking order and she DOES try to hoard all treats!! I finally divided everything into two bowls so my poor EE could get her share. Also my BR lays predictably every 24-25 hours whereas my EE lays only about every 27 hours?? Is that normal?? Thank you for any answers.
The thing with EE, is that it is not really a breed of birds, but rather a mutt, a combination of several breeds. So they very often are not true to type. She may be a lovely bird and work well for you, and as long as she is healthy and active there is nothing to worry about.

The idea of pure bred animals is that they are bred for standard characteristics. People realized thousands of years ago that by controlling what bred to what, one could get more desirable characteristics as in food production. With chickens, the main characteristics are eggs & meat, or egg or meat.

It is perfectly normal for these birds to be of different frames and weights.

Mrs K

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