I just killed a quail


6 Years
Jul 19, 2014
SF bay area CA
one my quails got a lame leg and i had to kill it. My aunt plucked of all it feathers and cleaned it for me though. Does killing quails get any easier?
I think it depends on the individual and how they look at it. I've killed and eaten livestock for many decades. Processing day is still the hardest.
When one does multiple birds in one day, most are easier than the first.
Yes, it does. You get down the technical details. You'll still fill sorry for every one of them though (especially the females that you have to cull because they have problems; males were born to be eaten)
Yes, but the way you worded it makes it sound worse than it is. Keep in mind that you ended the pain and suffering of that quail. Anyone that is unwilling to do what you did, probably shouldn't be raising quail.
You should feel very proud of yourself! You made the responsible choice and not only that, but you did not let the meat go to waste. Most people in this modern/ Western/urban world would not be able to do the right thing like you did. Good job!

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