What colours are these button quail chicks???


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008



Somebody please tell if I have any blacked face or blue faced button quail? I finally hatched out 18 chicks from 50 shipped button quail eggs. I so wanted tuxedos, but I did get any this time around. N e ways if I could at least get the colours identified, I will be so happy!!
There are no "standards" or pedigrees for raising quail. Therefore there are so many different names for different color phases as well as being different color phases, you'll just have to be patient. There is no way to know exactly what color they will be. Yellow feathers always turn white. Except when they turn silver that is. And brown feathers never turn black, except when they do. Make sense yet? Who knows how they'll molt out, and idc how many you've seen there just is still no sure way to identify them until they have all their adult feathering.
Can anybody identify the colors of these button quail chicks? I know I have some silvers. It is the dark ones I have no idea. I know they are too dark to be red breastfed chick.

where are all the button quail expert at?. Lol!
well you can find some info on colors on the web but to be honest I agree with dc. Patience works best. as the chicks grow and molt they will change color and I have had dark chicks turn out to be cinnamon when aged 8 weeks. try the web if you must but a good bet is wait and see, really what difference does it make as long as they are healthy? Good luck.
Can anybody identify the colors of these button quail chicks? I know I have some silvers. It is the dark ones I have no idea. I know they are too dark to be red breastfed chick.

where are all the button quail expert at?. Lol!
You'll not get far with using that attitude with someone who's trying to answer your questions. You don't understand what you are asking for or you'd realize why you aren't getting the answer you want to hear. Even this magical "expert" you're looking for can do no more than guess at what color your buttons will grow up to be.

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