Hi from Brown County Ohio!!:)


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2015
So I have been lurking for a while. I have wanted chickens for all of my life, and finally got them! Every internet search I have done has brought me to a BYC thread. I now search this instead of google!

I hesitated to join originally because I thought the forum was exclusively for owners of pet chickens... but then I accidentally found the caponizing thread via Google and realized there were connections here I could make.

So here I am and hello!

I am a single mother of 3 trying to make a farm out of 10 acres that were a blessing to me. I work full time in business as well.

about 2 weeks ago we started getting chickies. We first got 4 pullets and 2 bantams from TSC. (We didn't know there were other non mail order options!). We hoped for 1 of the 2 bantams to be a rooster.

Later we learned they had ducks! I went back for 6 khaki's when they came in. When I arrived there were also a fresh batch of Rhode Island Red's. Of course I had to get them, they're much prettier than the others! They are unsexed as well, so probably at least one rooster in there.

Then when shopping for a coop, we found a local place that had basically every breed imaginable! So we picked up 1 barred rock, 2 silver laced wyandotte's, 3 auracanas, and 2 mallard ducks.

I intend to grow them for both meat and eggs. My kids are learning farm life, and already had the "don't get attached, these aren't pets" talk. To which they responded "When can we make chicken nuggets?" so I definitely have a bunch of farm hands in the making!

OMG there are 28 chicks growing in my spare bathroom... :D And I am SO excited!!!

Can't wait to get to know everyone and learn more!

~ Jen :)
and congrats on your new flock.

It does seem all searches lead here. So glad you decided to join us.
Welcome back to BYC, Jen. Glad you decided join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. :eek:) Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Numbers aren't important - here we have "chicken math," which simply implies, you're going to continue to get more chickens- resistance is futile, it is a fowl addiction

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