Cornish Cross, better than expected.


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2015
Lafayette Louisiana
I was nervous about raising some cornish X after reading all of the horrible issues many people have with them. But so far mine have been great. They are at 5-1/2 weeks of age, you think their size looks like a good growth rate for that age? I took a pic of him by a standard gallon waterer. They scratch and forage like crazy. There is food right there, but they all are out of view scratching away. Their run is very large, wraps around the building quite a ways, about 650 sq. ft. They are currently mixed in with some production reds, australorps, sexlinks and leghorns. I have a younger batch inside the building. During the day I kick the older ones out and leave the young ones in. They all sleep together, no problems. I turned a brand new 10X12 shed into a chicken suite lol (wife not too happy.) Thanks for looking!

image two is prod. red and a CX with a leghorn up top.

So do you think they look on par for 5.5 weeks? I was thinking they looked small. I had read 8-9 weeks harvest and just thought that they don't look on pace for that.
Have you weighed any yet? I think they are looking good. I have some about the same age, I can get a picture for you to compare. I think foraging them can make them grow a tad slower, but I prefer that, as I feel that it really helps cut out some of their known issues.
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I agree with vsmenagerie about foraging. My chickens have lived so far 8 months on limited food rations and supplemental foraging. They grew slower but that's what I wanted for a hatching experiment I'm currently trying out. They can and will lay eggs!!!

You have a really nice set up for them and they look super healthy and strong. Try giving them periods of no food like skip a morning feeding and let them find their own food during the day and feed them till their full at night. You might be able to keep them for several months and let them get to 18 pounds.

Oh and your birds look as happy as mine do! Mine follow me around the yard. Sure does make culling them a bit harder when you've had them for several months do. I have to say goodbye to my last three roosters this weekend though. I might tear up a bit.

New flock coming soon though :)

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