Hatching gamble quail

ponds farm

In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2015
how do you hatch gamble quail eggs? I have some and wanna start hatching some. How long does it take for them to hatch? And what should the humidity and temp be? Thanks for y'all's help
Welcome to the quail forums!

Gambels take 21 to 23 days to hatch. Temp 99.5 to 99.7 Humidity 50% to 55% during incubation, 65% to 70% at lock down.

Good luck!
X2... Please pay attention to Leyla here...Out of countless hatches, I find Gambel's and Blue Scale quail among the toughest to hatch.... Well, I have my lowest hatch rates with these anyway..... I love the looks of the birds and they are not something you see everyday.... Even in this crowd.... good luck and keep us posted!

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