Two baby red rock chicks HELP


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
We just brought home two baby red rock chicks to raise up and eventually add to our three year old flock of four red Sussex hens.
The two chicks are in a small enclosure with food water and heat lamp.
The problem: one chick continually attacks the other's eye. Why? And do I need to separate them? We cannot watch them 24/7 and the one relentlessly goes after the other unless we stop it.
I had the same issue with the eye attacking. I ended up giving her a "timeout", that's right a timeout who knew you'd have to give a chicken that. I put a screen to block her off but she was still able to see them which is important and she hasn't done it ever since she's now 9 weeks and she was doing that at 3-4 weeks
I have segregated them for now. See the attached pic.
I had some issues with a week old arucana chick pecking the eye of a same age leghorn, didn't appear to actually cause any damage and it stopped after a week or so. Funnily enough they are now 4 weeks and the leghorn in question seems to be top bird.

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