Need fertile dove or pigeon eggs for my lesbian dove couple.


May 22, 2015
They try so hard but they're so gay. One of my doves thinks that she is a boy but she also lays eggs. They have been trying for over a year and they currently have 7 infertile eggs. My dove recently threw an egg off the perch in frustration, she wants to be a mother so bad and she gets mad at my other dove for not being a male. I would like to know where I can purchase some dove or pigeon eggs from. And don't give me Murry McMurray Hatchery because they don't have good deals. Thank you

~Victoria, Leaf and Norma
It is doubtful that hatcheries would be selling dove or pigeon eggs. I'm guessing these are African ring-necked doves. Try your local feed stores and pet shops. Doves are much smaller than pigeons, but they can raise pigeon varieties with small/short bills. A few years ago I had a retired dove couple raise a damascene pigeon. The doves were too old to lay, but they kept building nests and brooding. So...

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