RIR with dropped wings and imbalance


May 7, 2015
Lillington, NC
Thank you for any input at all you may have on this.

I have a RIR (12 weeks or so) that is behaving strangely to me. I am new to chickening, so I'm not sure what "normal" is sometimes. I'll begin with her eating, drinking, and pooping are completely normal. What is weird is she has a lack of balance, not like falling down, but she's walking funny. Like high stepping almost. Like she's walking, but isn't sure the level of the ground. (If that makes sense. Hard to describe)

Her wings are dropped. She actually started dropping her wings a couple weeks ago, and I thought she was just hot. Like chicks under a lamp when they air out their armpits. When she comes over to me, she holds them up like normal, but as she is living life, eating clover, etc, she drops them. DH says she may have them out for balance. She is not weak or lethargic. Which leads me to the "plopping".

They are not free range. When I let them out for an hour or two after work, Barbara will eat grass, wander, do normal chicken things, (for like 5 mins) then just "PLOP" down. While plopped, she has her wings out from her body slightly, reminiscent of the warm chick armpit thing. Originally, before these other symptoms started presenting, I thought she may be practicing "squatting". Evidently not.

If you have any input at all in this, please by all means chime in! Thank you so much!!!





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I would just like to add that the warmer weather has only just settled in here in NC, so there is a bit of climate change going on. That is why I thought she was just hot. (Days have been reaching 87-89 degrees)
Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Her symptoms sound a bit like that. Mareks can cause paralysis of one or both legs or wings, and wobbling or imbalance, and her symptoms of high stepping and plopping down could be other symptoms. There can be other diseases that can look like Mareks, so I would read some information on Mareks. I would give her some poultry vitamins in her water or food.
Thanks for your input. Researching...researching...

I had added vitamins and electrolytes to her water. Looking at the pkg, I noticed no B complex, so I went to the store and picked up Poly vi sol. Just gave her 1 ml tonight. She isn't drinking as much, runny poop and not often.

Dear God, please let the vitamins work. I have found already there is so many things this could be.
I really hope that it is something so simple as being a little dehydrated or a vitamin deficiency, and not Mareks. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. With diarrhea, if she should start to be lethargic or slow down in eating, then consider that she could be coming down with coccidosis. Corid is the best treatment for that.
This evening will mark 24 hours of polyvisol treatment. Her legs are weaker and her time up on them shorter. She is panting a lot, but it is 90 out. I set up a fan for her to move the air. She is eating and drinking. Her "voice" is hoarse, but has been since she stopped "peeping" so we thought it was normal. Maybe not? I'm mentioning it as maybe it will help in a diagnosis. So frustrating as I am so new to chickening and just trying to do what is best. I want so badly for her to live!!!
It doesn't seem anyone is following this, but I am updating anyway in the event it could help someone in the future. After 48 hours of Polyvisol drops (4 drops by beak in am and pm), Barbara seems to be improving. Appetite, drinking, and poops all still normal. She is seeming to stand for longer periods, and I am starting to think she is using her wings for balance more than drooping due to fatigue or paralysis. Legs seem to be a bit stronger. She used to not protest when giving her the drops, but now she seems stronger and is fussing over letting me open her beak to administer. I am beginning to entertain a flicker of hope!
She started doing better, but is not normal. Her one leg seems weak and not improving at all. She eats well, drinks, poops. She isn't plopping down anymore, just resting on her hocks. Her longest toe on the affected leg is curled slightly. Her eyes are bright. Comb and wattles are normal size with great color. I wish I could figure out what the heck is wrong with her!!
I'm sorry that she is not back to normal. Riboflavin deficiency can cause some of her symptoms, but if the vitamins aren't give right away, they sometimes may not help. Just in case it is Mareks (and I really hope it is not) here are some links to read about it and riboflavin deficiency:

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