Resting period for chicken


7 Years
Jul 12, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Hi everyone! I butchered a 17 week old cockerel on Sunday and he has been in the fridge since then. Previously I have always waited 3 days before freezing or cooking, but I'd really like to free up that fridge space today for something else. I don't want him to be tough though.

Think it's ok to go ahead and freeze him now (2 days after butchering)?
I may be wrong, but I think I've heard that you can rest before or after freezing. Let me add to your question, if I may. How bout if you're gonna pressure can that meat? Is it ok to go straight from processing to canning?
Any updates on how the cockerel turned out? Does anyone else have more insight as to resting the birds before or after freezing? I just processed 26 Cornish X on Saturday. We had one rooster too big for the freezer bags so we cooked him the next day. Just roasted him in the oven. He turned out pretty nice, didn't think he was too tough. The rest of the birds got about 12 hours of rest just chilling before they went in the freezer. I just didn't have the space to wait any longer than that. I'm really hoping letting them thaw and rest in the fridge before cooking them will do the trick. Thanks!
I put him in the freezer, so I don't know yet how he turned out. I will post an update whenever I cook him though! I sure hope he turns out okay.

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