My new additions* formerly ducks wanted in Eastern CT


12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
Eastern CT
Hi everyone, we'd like to add two more female khaki campbells to our small backyard flock. We currently have two pairs of ducks and need more females! We also have blue swedish and would consider females of that breed as well. Young adults would be our preference. Thanks!
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I know of a person who sells all kinds of birds ad usually has both breeds . Tey charge $20 a duck a belive . Is that to much for you ? I can go over and take a look at what she has (gives me a reason to go there and look for my self )
LOL! Glad to give you a reason. $20 each doesn't seem unreasonable to me for young adult birds which is what I'd prefer. I mean, she's had to feed them for almost a year, right? There is a Craigslist ad for two cayugas for $25 each or $40 for the pair.
So yes, please go ahead and see what she has and let me know!
I also just found an ad for blue swedish/runner duck crosses near by so emailed about those too.
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She aslo has ducklings around this time of year , i dunno if you would want those . Ill try and swing up there tomarow if not tuesday . I go to the auction on monday
Thanks, there's absolutely NO rush! I will buy ducklings if I don't find young adults. We brooded our two pairs last year. It was a lot of work but worth it. Not sure my DH agrees, but.... he didn't clean the brooders, I did. And he didn't complain when he ate duck egg waffles this morning.
heehe, yup they have ALOT of goats... and pigs and calfs and everything..
i'll try to find the address again...i think i have it saved in my PM's..i'll PM you with it...;o)

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