a day at the spa...


Building the Castle
11 Years
Nov 15, 2008
Martinez, CA
I have been remiss as of late. Tatertot has had a poopy butt for a week, and I knew I needed to get her cleaned up. SC_Hugh challenged me to give her a deluxe spa day in payment for my neglect. So, today, I filled up my huge kitchen sink, with plenty of Dawn dish detergent, so it was a bit of a bubble bath. Here she is after spending about half an hour soaking and having me work the poop off her once-fluffy butt. The first pic is of a very drippy Tatertot. The second is the result of over 20 minutes of warm blow drying. I didn't take a pic of the bubble bath part because I was afraid she would jump out of the sink if I took my hand off her. I doubt I needed to worry. She loved every minute of it. She clucked contentedly through the whole blow drying. She must think she's a silkie.



Okay, Hugh, is that better?!!
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thanks! She really seemed to like it. She's been in good spirits all day, getting into mischief and pretending she's an eagle.
I wonder what would've happened if I had given her a pedicure, too?
Nicely done!
TT sure looks happy

It was such a nice day today for TT's deluxe spa treatment day
I know it was my own chicken, Buttercup's dirty bum story that got you thinking about TT's need for a spa treatment and while you were washing chicken today
I was building my BYC page
My page won't be complete without more pics of my soon to arrive baby chicks

Will you now be able to recognize TT from your other two Buff Orps? Maybe not from behind

Too fun,

Hi Hugh!

Tatertot has always been easy to recognize, from front or rear. She is also much more inquisitive than my other birds. I always say that they only have a brain between them, but Tatertot has half of it.

The Buff Orp that died in November had really special butt fluff. I'm sure it would horrify purists on breed standards, but that girl had what we called, "shooting star butt fluff." About 10 random fluff feathers grew extra long, which reminded me of that new variety of hydrangea called "Shooting Star." We loved it! The three girls that are left have normal fluff, but are slightly different shades of buff.

So, while I was busy scrubbing Tater's fuzzy-butt until she was star-quality, you were off fluffing up your page! No worries, I will catch up. I have my coop pics to post. It will be hard to beat your new baby pics, though. My own new babies won't be here by the Ides of March.

Glad you had fun with your sunny day!

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