Chicks ripped my Wellsummer's neck apart


Rest in Peace 1970-2018
12 Years
Apr 6, 2007
About 20 minutes prior to posting this message I heard one of my birds screaming in their brooder. It sounded like one had jumped out and couldn't get back in (happens often). When I got to the brooder I noticed the whole gang of chicks ganging up on and ripping the back of my Wellsummers's neck. This chick is 5 weeks old and was one of our original 7 birds. She has been and is healthy but I have noticed that she has been picked on before by even the 2 week old chicks. I isolated her but the gash in her neck is bad. I can't see how she can survive. I tried to prepare myself and the poor baby for euthanasia but figured I'd come here first. It must hurt bad but she is more concerned about being in her own cage than the wound on her neck. Here are a few pics but they don't show the gash very well.


Sunny had her last day. The wound was bubbling, She had blood in her throat, she was crying/chirping, and her legs were cold. I grabbed a sharp kitchen knife, brought her outside to a stump, and did what needed to be done.

I'm a 36 year old male who whitnessed death on almost every level but this
is whacked. Watching that little animal flop around broke my heart. I think
I'll go throw up now.

So sorry for your loss. You did the right thing and the little one is no longer in pain.
Purplechicken- I'm so sorry. I hate that you had to go through that. I commend you for doing what needed to be done. It takes a huge heart to be able to put an end to an animal's suffering, even when the 'act' is so distasteful for us. Kudos and hugs.
Thanks again. My mind was telling me what I needed to do but the heart is a different story.

This was a flukey thing. None of the other 31 chicks even peck at each other. A few like to jump on top of each other but don't peck at all. They aren't overcrowded and we change the pine shavings every other day. The only aggressiveness I see in them is when I stick my hand in with some oatmeal or other treats. I'll be watching close for bullys.
Oh, my gosh, I just broke down reading this. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but obviously you did the right thing.
Hang in there and enjoy your other peeps. :aww


You are the best kind of animal owner. Willing to do what's BEST for the animal - even when it hurts you.

KUDOS to you.............and I'm so very sorry you were put to the 'test'.

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