Deformed chick -- wry neck?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Athens, GA
I have a chick, who is either a Buff Orpington or a Rhode Island Red, who we have been calling "Zoolander" because his head is permanently cocked and he only turns right. Could this be wry neck? He is otherwise very healthy and friendly, is eating well and growing rapidly. Is there anything I can do to help his neck straighten out, or anything that can be done by a vet?
are you giving chick vitamins?
sometimes these things are caused by a vitamin deficiency.

if you don't have any on hand, and will take some time to get can give Poly-vi-sol liquid baby vitamins (Enfamil iron)..2 drops on beak once a day for a week then taper off..

others might have more suggestions for you.
Actually, I do have some on hand, but what I have is a powdered vitamin E/selenium mix (I have a deficient horse) -- could I feed that, or would the selenium be too much for the little guy? I could mix it with water, or roll a raspberry in it or something, and sprinkle some on the communal food.

They're about 5 weeks old, for the record. But I only have one showing any signs of wonkiness.
do not feed the horse vitamin...
(Selenium has a very narrow therapeutic range >MAXimum dosage (one day) is 50 MICROgrams)
Polyvisol Enfamil formulation is a childrens liquid vitamin and you can give that > three drops a day once a day for a week then taper off the next. You can also mix some wheatgermoil in with the feed which will be very helpful
The Physical Therapist in me is saying "let me check that out". Wish I could help assess it. In infants we hold the baby so it is looking away from something it wants to encourage it to look the other way and stretch its own neck. Just a thought to encourage looking to the left by holding it facing away from the others frequently for a few minutes. Couldn't hurt.
Hmmm. Well, can't hurt. Started Zoolander on some E today, as well. He really does seem fine otherwise. He's pretty calm as roos go, but is large, assertive, and brave. I hope it straightens out, but he seems to be doing o.k. assuming it doesn't get any worse.
Photos of everybody, including Zoolander, are here . Enjoy -- he's still a little wonky, but now has straightened up a bit. His neck looks more or less normal, and he has a crooked toe.
I had a silkie that had wryneck when she was a chick, I broke open the vit E geltabs and made her drink one once a day and in about a week she was better. She has no signs of it anymore.

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