will round up hurt chickens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
I'm thinking of completely redoing my yard. I'm trying to plan my attack.
In all this thinking I need to find a way to kill crab grass. Would round up hurt the chickens? It's an herbicide... I might call the company, but would they even know??
According to the experts here at the unniversity...after using round up all stock should be kept off the sprayed areas for 10 days. Then after that you are good to go.
I have a friend whose pet sheep ate a little Roundup sprayed grass and died. I would seriously keep your chickens away from it.
I haven't heard of Round Up staying in the soil that long either. According to the MSDS sheets Round Up has a 2-174 Day half-life in the soil. So Round Up *could* be latent in the soil for anywhere from 2 days to half a year.

Additionally Round Up is toxic to Avian specie for 5 days after spraying being "No more than slightly toxic", whatever that means. To me, that means that I would try to keep my hens away from the killed grass after the five day period, but if they did get on the grass I don't think I would panic.

This is on page 7 of the MSDS.

[URL]http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/ag_pro … x_msds.pdf[/URL]

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