Frostbitten toes pics-- update, just stumps!


10 Years
May 19, 2009
I always take a head count when I go out to feed, but I guess I didn't notice that one little cutie was sick. I don't know if her illness diverted blood from her feet and killed tissue, or if it's genuine frostbite. She's weak, sneezing like crazy, and off feed. Well, she did start eating again, after a week.

Her toes are a black/red, and they seem to hurt her. She can't perch, and she doesn't move around much. It's been about a week since I've noticed her condition, and I believe the toes will be lost. I thought it would be interesting to document the process. The black part is getting skinnier, the way the end of a cut flower will shrivel I'll take more pictures when I see the process advancing.
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Oh no! That's terrible. If she does lose them what are your plans for her? Will she be able to walk? Poor thing.
I was planning on showing her, but I was assurred that the standard calls for 4 toes on each foot. She's from excellent bloodlines, so, if she can handle it, I plan on breeding her to my best roos. Ondra has a rooster that lost both his whole feet to the cold, and she say's that he is fine. I have hope that she'll be okay, but she will get every accomodation for her comfort. If she looks miserable day in and day out, I'll put her down. She is currently living inside with another hen with an eye injury.
She is a beautiful bird, and I hate seeing such a thing happen to her. Hopefully she'll be okay.
Only happens to the best, don't it? My other injured hen is my favorite. She's so friendly, living in the house is HEAVEN to her!
I have an update on Stella's toes. Her cold is not getting better, despite twice daily injections of Baytril, but her appetite is back. I occasionally soak her feet in Epsom salt, and she seems to enjoy it.

She has been limping on her right foot lately. And she has no traction on my new laminate floor (another reason to be dissappointed in my remodel choice). Her toes are more shrivled than before, and there are lesions on the bottoms. So after her soak today, I wrapped her feet in gauze slippers with rug pad soles.

She's in the house with an injured companion (swollen eye). That hen is healing well, and started laying again today (on my sofa). She's ready to go back outside, but I think she gives Stella encouragement to ambulate more than she otherwise would.
I've got an old hen I rescued from animal control here, she's missing most of her toes, and she does fine, except for getting up on high roosts and sometimes if she doesn't land just right, she'll fall. Good luck
Hoping her little toes can hang on
Sounds like you are doing the very best you can for her.

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