
August 2013

I now have 9 hens, 5 are currently laying.

Flora is a Bantam Barred Rock. I brought her home on Aug 5th 2012. She was about 4 weeks old. She is friendly and curious.
Elvira is a Bantam Rosecomb. I brought her home on Aug 5th 2012. She was about 4 weeks old. She's a mean lil turd, often believing she's a rooster.
Angel is my daughter's Silkie. We brought her home in the summer of 2012. She was a few months old. She broods more often than she lays. Curious, friendly, and clueless to danger.
Zoey is the largest of my Barred Rocks. I brought her home when she was 3 days old on March 10, 2013. She lays dark tan eggs.
Chloe is my other Barred Rock. I also brought her home when she was 3 days old on March 10, 2013. She lays dark tan eggs, often double yolk.
July 21st was a BUSY day. Someone from BYC (Brian) gave me my buff when she was about 1 month old. I have named her Margaret Thatcher.
Brian from BYC also gave me my friendly Dominique. She was also about 1 month old. I have named her Lucy Ann, after my Great Grandmother who was born in 1913.
That same day our family friend, Ken, bought me my 2 Araucana chicks. They were about 2 weeks old when I received them. The Duckwing silver has been named Falkor and my Duckwing golden has been named Tawny.
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