
Building a chicken house

We've decided to build a little house for all our birds. We have quite a few acres so we decided that we'd use the fir trees that we are thinning out of the hardwood and build us a log barn. Well once we were off and planning we have decided that we'd like to try a cordwood structure. We are doing everything by hand as thats all we have. Here we go.......P. says we cannot build this year as the logs will not be dry enough. This year we will have to build a little barn and add the log barn in next year. Still have to dig out the stumps
Well the stumps got dug out with a pick and shovel. What a job. The structure is going up. We'll use the logs for another project.
The ducks are moved in and this is a relief because they were living on the roofs of our cars and we were driving poop mobiles and spending all our spare change on car washes
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