

I just thought i would put these up me and my friend r raiseing them . she is on this site as well, but from the start as babies to where they r now. I may be on and off this page i also have calfs that i feed and many things that keep me busy . Indeed I have learned a lot from these guys and watched they daily, they r fun but they r work, .as with everything else .lol. but this is a flock and they r doing vary well togeather it dident happen over night but as we worked with them.& they became thier family, many different birds in here .learn as we go. we have only lost a couple but they were sick from day 1, (but that was at the vary beginning) I clean the coop regulary. best for them ,not so good 4 me hahaha. I have a well trained dog named spike and he indeed watches the birds the calfs and the home, he has been a big well As my partner on this site! hope u enjoy the pics.
As you can see I,m not one to sit and write or sit i gotta keep moving and indeed I did . well these chicks grew from ittle to big bold and nice , had loads of fun and loads of work as i tell my partner, trial is to error. .and then some ug. have learned a lot and still going, sooooo sorry havent been on here but if im gona get my hands dirty i guess i dont want them on my computer hahalol. I check in just to see what everyone is up to whats new and what i yet need to know, but so far so good ducky is big and an awsome bird. the bardrocks r laying and being drama queens figting over a fav laying box, ya what the hell happened to shareing Oh wait I 4got the one bardrock hen got tiered of yelling at the other hen to lay so she joined her in the same box at the same time , yap things r nutty , Thus they have plenty of boxes . and plenty of room , talk about drama in the hen house!!!! Have a great night (byc)

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