Recent content by 16BYChickens

  1. 16BYChickens

    HELP!! What do I do about coryza!?

    Thank you so much! Very helpful info. Thankfully her eyes are no longer swollen. Her only remaining symphtom is a discharge from her eyes with a distinct oder. I will try the recommended eye ointment. When will it be safe to return her to our flock?! My other hens, while exposed, seem healthy...
  2. 16BYChickens


    Thank you!
  3. 16BYChickens

    HELP!! What do I do about coryza!?

    I'm new so please forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong area but I desperately need advice. I have a hen that I believe has Coryza. She came to us as a pellet with what we thought was only a cold. She only had very minor symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes. It wasn't until recently she...
  4. 16BYChickens


    I'm new to raising backyard chickens. We have 7 Orpingtons and recently added an additional 9 baby Bantams. We are going on our third year. We started with just three Buff Orpington hens,added four more the following spring, a Lavender, Lavender splash, a Partridge and a Black Orpington. This...
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