Recent content by 1jirving

  1. 1jirving

    Speckled Sussex Liquidating Flock

    How many hens? Is that price per chicken or for the reduction?
  2. 1jirving


    Very new egg question, but do most people just let the hens go broody to add to the flock or do you purchase eggs and incubate? I'm in Northern Virginia
  3. 1jirving

    Starting out in Northern Virginia

    The hawks were scary. The attack happened while we were away and had someone watching them. The next morning when we woke up, there was one the rails of my minivan, two on the fence, and another on my deck rail.
  4. 1jirving

    Starting out in Northern Virginia

    Some were attacked free ranging after they squeezed through the wire fencing covered with honeysuckle,which I thought would contain them. The others were attacked in the run by the hawks as the run didn't have netting above.
  5. 1jirving

    Starting out in Northern Virginia

    Hi everyone. My family and I have just started last month with chickens. We have benefitted from the passage of a recent zoning law in Prince William County, permitting us to raise chickens on our property. I picked up 11 originally and am down to five already. A fox and some Hawks have been...
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