Recent content by 21Whitetigers

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    18 week old Golden Comets...could they be ready to lay?

    I’ve got 2 GC and both are 19 1/2 wks we just started getting our first eggs from them 1 layed yesterday and 1 layed today...
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    Community Nest Boxes - Let me see 'em!

    Mind the tools and dirtiness... coop is still a work in progress... nesting box is an upside down china hutch top without any shelves currently
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    Community Nest Boxes - Let me see 'em!

    Still working on building my nesting boxes and thinking the community route using the top of a China hutch upside down, without dividers anyone think this will be ok?
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    I’m new here

    I’ve got plans and renovations being done to convert an 8x10 shed into their coop and run but it’s very messy at the moment because it’s nowhere near ready
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    I’m new here

    hello everyone I’m a new at raising chickens, my family and I now have 3 golden laced Wyandottes 2 golden comets and 1 bantam...
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    Gold Laced Wyandotte Combs..... ???

    I just purchased my 3 Golden Laced Wyandottes Yesterday they are about week old and noticing that 2 of the 3 have wider beaks but don’t appear to have combs and one seems to have a single comb is this normal?
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