Recent content by 2poor

  1. 2poor

    Rooster Chat

    I hatched half males myself. First flock for me. Dual purpose. I only want one or two roosters in the end. How do you choose what to cull? Do you keep the fastest growing or are there more important criteria?
  2. 2poor

    10 wild baby ducks dumped on door step

    In this country wild animals belong to the State. You call whatever the local game warden service is called in your area and they handle it.
  3. 2poor

    What do talk think...??? White wash vs. paint for walls.

    I went with painted walls and a one-piece vinyl floor over plywood. Used a semi-gloss exterior paint that I had left over. Caulked and painted the wall-floor joints. Cleans up nicely and I can hose it out when needed.
  4. 2poor

    Show off your chicks :)

  5. 2poor

    Chickens and HOAs

    "However, am I interpreting this right to say that if I raise them for "commercial" use I am in the clear?" The way I read it, even normal household pets aren't allowed if they are being raised commercially, i.e. for sale as with a breeder.
  6. 2poor

    Icelandic Chickens

    How did batch 2 and 3 turn out, Maldwin? I have 7 Icelandic chicks that are about 3 weeks old. I got a 50% hatch out of mailed eggs. It was my first shot at incubating so I have lots to learn.
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