Recent content by 307ChickenGuy

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    1-2 week old chick lethargic, walking backwards, wings drooping

    I had an Ameraucana that did the same thing, tried egg yolk and sugar water with no avail. Medicated feed, Apple cider vinegar in water along with electrolyte water. She was fine one minute and then she got worse. After 2 days she wasn't trying to stay alive and I ended up culling her.
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    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? A: My wife and I are brand new to chickens but we are a month and a half in to successfully raising chicks! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? A: We have 12, ranging from 1.5 months old to 2 weeks old. (3) What breeds...
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