Recent content by 3girlzcraft

  1. 3girlzcraft

    Review by '' on item 'Rhode Island Red'

    We had two RIRs. We got them as chicks along with 3 Buffs. For personality, I would go with the Buffs. So sweet, like being handled. As for the RIRs, one loved to be handled while the other didn't. Cinnamon (the more aggressive) is a bully, definitely at the top of the pecking order. She...
  2. 3girlzcraft


    XxMingirlxX, what kind of food coloring? I thought I had this problem solved, but it's happening again. I suspect one of my RIR, but not for sure. Does any food coloring hurt them?
  3. 3girlzcraft


    In case no one has answered your question, culling is doing away with a chicken (harvesting if you like the term) due to some problem (like egg eating, hens that peck other hens, old age, deformity, sickness etc...). Not a pleasant thought, I know. I'm new here too so I hope this helps.
  4. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    Chicken Curt, GMO grain? Is it clearly marked as such so that I can double check our feed? Wow, lots of info!
  5. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    Lazy Gardner, that's kind of what I was thinking. I know I like heritage breeds, like RIR and Orpington's (which we have), and the meat birds are intriguing because of their rapid weight gain. But, I was a little worried about the meat birds (like Cornish Rocks) due to breathing problems...
  6. 3girlzcraft

    Comment by '3girlzcraft' in article 'Six Tips On Breaking Your Egg Eater'

    FANTASTIC INFO! Thanks so much. Will put this to use!
  7. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    Donrae- seriously? Didn't know. I honestly thought there was hormone usage as well as medication given to keep them from dying (because their lungs & hearts are too small for body weight). Thanks for input.
  8. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    ChickenCurt, thanks for your info. Question please, How do I go about insuring the generation gap for our hatchlings? Should we mark chickens from a certain rooster and make sure another rooster breeds the ones we hatched? Very confused on this. Thanks for your help and comments.
  9. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    Mrs. K, thanks for your input. I will definitely start small as you suggest. We aren't looking (at least now) to total sustainability. Mainly wanting to limit steroid use in our meat. Have wanted to try for a long time and since we have had such great luck with our heritage breed egg layers...
  10. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    Thanks! Will totally check these out. Pretty new to the chicken scene (only had ours 9 mos.) but the whole family really enjoys them. Thanks for the help. Will return after homework is finished! Appreciate your help.
  11. 3girlzcraft

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 1/13/14 - Picture by Irishgirl

    I work all day on laying an egg, these goons take my babies, and leave me here to lay more! What kind of life do I have as an egg slave to humans?! I just CAN'T take it anymore!!!
  12. 3girlzcraft

    Chickens for Sustainability

    I would love to know more about raising a flock for eggs and meat. Have been looking into it and would love to hear comments from people who are already doing this. The sooner the better, as we are now preparing for more chickens in the spring. Mainly, I want to know how many chickens are...
  13. 3girlzcraft


    I had the same problem recently. I found that placing a golf ball in the nest helped. Also, the chickens main problem is they weren't being turned loose enough. We have been letting them free range, but after loosing two to a hawk (one being our best layer), no more free-ranging. So, they...
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