Recent content by 4hwannabe

  1. 4hwannabe

    Silver Laced Wyandotte Sexing-7 weeks old

    I have to say that they look like pullets to me as well. My girl had the same coloring on her waddles and comb at that age and everyone thought roo but low and behold she is my best layer. Good luck!
  2. 4hwannabe

    RIR over White Leghorn: how do you sex the juveniles?

    I just was wondering how those RIR leghorn crosses turned out. I have one that I was hoping was a hen. She looks a lot like yours now at 18 weeks. Thanks for your update.
  3. 4hwannabe

    stinky eggs?

    I am glad to read your post. We also have been experiencing the same thing with our eggs. I have a SIlver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island, and 3 ameraucanas. The 3 ameraucanas are producing these earthy almost moldy tasting eggs. They don't smell foul or anything like that and there is no visual...
  4. 4hwannabe

    Barred Rock Sexing

    It's ok. I gave him to my brother. One day I will be able to keep a roo!
  5. 4hwannabe

    Barred Rock Sexing

    Yes she was a he. Unfortunately. :-(
  6. 4hwannabe

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sex?

    Update for anyone curious - Dottie stayed a hen!!! She has wonderful brown eggs :-)
  7. 4hwannabe

    Barred Rock Sexing

    Oh man... I sure hope not :(
  8. 4hwannabe

    Barred Rock Sexing

    Hi everyone. We got what was supposed to be a Dominique pullet but as the comb shows it must be a Barred Rock. Now I am unsure of the sex. I have looked on other threads and want to say its a she because of her coloring. But.... Look at the wattles! Ahhh someone help me decide. Thanks! Oh and...
  9. 4hwannabe

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sex?

    Thanks you guys... I am really hoping its a hen. That's what we get going into a feed store with 2 toddlers huh? Lol
  10. 4hwannabe

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sex?

    Hi everyone. We got this slw not realizing it was a straight run and was hoping for any input on sex? I have heard some different things on colors markings thickness of legs etc..
  11. 4hwannabe

    Silver Laced Wyandotte sexing

    Does the shoulder area look like this by chance? We just got this one and it was a straight run but we didn't realize. Thanks!
  12. 4hwannabe

    New member new flock

  13. 4hwannabe

    New member new flock

    Thanks! Poppy got her name when she kept poking her head out of the box on the way home... The oldest daughter picked it. Dj shuffle is from the 4 year old Disney watcher. Lol and pumpkin got her name from the 2 year old the night before we got them
  14. 4hwannabe

    New member new flock

    We brought home our new flock yesterday and what a night! Love these little guys and we're excited to have them in our family. . My 3 little girls all picked one and named them. We have the Dominique chick who is named Poppy, the Rhode Island Red named Pumpkin, and last but not least the Blue...
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