Recent content by 4PrettyLadies

  1. 4PrettyLadies

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    They are incredibly precious! Not at all like the ones I had as a kid!!!
  2. 4PrettyLadies

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Veges: Just a thought about seeds - if you buy heirloom seeds rather than hybrid you can save the seeds and use them the following year and get the same plant. If you try that with hybrid you don't know what you might get! Cherokee Purple tomatoes are especially flavorful, juicy and "bug"...
  3. 4PrettyLadies

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Have you tried the Seed Savers Catalog or the Sow True Seeds Catalog from Asheville, NC? Neat stuff.
  4. 4PrettyLadies

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Bario - pretty new to this "BYC thing" but I'm in East TN - Friendsville (near Knoxville). Did I read somewhere that you were from Asheville? (AHS class of '79 here - telling my age!) I tried scrolling through and reading but looks like I've got a lot more to get through. In the meantime, do...
  5. 4PrettyLadies

    Coop in the Woods

    Thanks all! As noted, it is well situated for the sun in summer and winter - which it definitely is here at 20 degrees this morning!
  6. 4PrettyLadies

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Garden cleaning-up time so my ladies got asparagus ferns, bolted lettuce, strawberry leaves that had stragled out of their "spot," and radish tops. Plus some ugly grubs - one for each and they still fought over them! Beautiful day here in E. TN - sunny, breezy, 60's.
  7. 4PrettyLadies

    Napping During the Day?

    Thanks again for all the help. Our hens were roosting tonight when I went to lock them in - so they are learning. Had one egg the day they arrived (Sat.) nothing since - guess they are still young and in unfamiliar territory! Thanks again - I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road!
  8. 4PrettyLadies

    Napping During the Day?

    Thanks for the info! It is reassuring to know they aren't ill! The ladies are getting used to their new home and coming in and out of the hen house several times a day now. They are indeed, "napping" but all seems well! Yeah! It is hot here too - the 68th day in a row that temps have been...
  9. 4PrettyLadies

    Napping During the Day?

    Thanks! They are sooo sweet and I know I'll enjoy them - and this helpful forum!
  10. 4PrettyLadies

    Napping During the Day?

    Thanks so much for the reassurance! My "chicken knowledge" is only from books (so far). Looking forward to this new adventure.
  11. 4PrettyLadies

    Napping During the Day?

    Newbie chicken lover here - be gentle with me! We just got 4 red sex-link pullets - ~ 20 wees. They have a 6x6 house w/nesting boxes, roost, food, water and large fenced run. First 2 days scared to death of the hen house - had to put them in and out. Today they came out for several hours...
  12. 4PrettyLadies

    My silkies don't want to leave the coop??.. WHY

    Newbie chicken lover here - be gentle with me! We just got 4 red sex-link pullets - ~ 20 wees. They have a 6x6 house w/nesting boxes, roost, food, water and large fenced run. First 2 days scared to death of the hen house - had to put them in and out. Today they came out for several hours...
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