Recent content by 5ChicksInTheCity

  1. 5ChicksInTheCity

    New Crazy Chicken Mom.

    Hello and welcome to the crazy chicken lady club!!! Its a great club to be in.
  2. 5ChicksInTheCity

    What WON'T your chickens eat?

    So far they don't eat okra and strawberries
  3. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    I am happy to report they are all back to normal and go to the coop at dusk. It only took 3 days so I definitely think o was worried for nothing lol.
  4. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    I'm a first timer and got tricked by the prefab. It only lasted a couple months lol
  5. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    Yes the run is hardware cloth. I got an automatic coop door so I don't have to worry about letting them out in the morning and the run door is just a regular manual door so I can control the amount of free range time they get. I've been seeing a hawk in my yard so I am keeping them confined...
  6. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    Thanks so much for this detailed response. Sorry for my delay in responding. After 3 days they are all back on track and sleeping in the coop where they belong. They all also started laying again right away (in the nests where they belong) i definitely thing I was more stressed then them lol.
  7. 5ChicksInTheCity

    Comment by '5ChicksInTheCity' in article 'Top 10 Chicken Predators'

    Had this jerk in my yard a couple days ago. She was eyeballing my girls and was not scared at all of me . I was about 5 feet from her and shouting and flailing my arms and she was just looking at me (I think I even heard her laugh)
  8. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    They were all in The new run about a half hour before dark so I took the opportunity to lock the run door but when it was time to go to sleep 3 went in the coop and 2 were going crazy like they were locked out in the wilderness.
  9. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    They are used to free ranging most of the day. Will it stress them to be locked in after all that freedom they are used to ?
  10. 5ChicksInTheCity

    HELP my girls wont go in their new coop.

    so I finished my new coop and run and I moved my girls in tonight. Problem is only 3 went into the house and 2 stayed in the run.. i tried placing them on the roosts multiple times but they kept jumping g off and flapping around and causing a ruckus. I didn't want to keep stressing them out so I...
  11. 5ChicksInTheCity

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Thanks I really think this is the most exciting thing ever!!!
  12. 5ChicksInTheCity

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Thank you. I feel like I just became a grandma. I'm so proud. Lol.
  13. 5ChicksInTheCity

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Just 1 egg ...but it was the very first egg I ever got from my very first flock. It's the most beautiful egg i have ever seen (even if a little small)
  14. 5ChicksInTheCity

    Chicken Breed Focus - Polish

    this is Proud Mary my only polish. She is very skittish but so entertaining to watch
  15. 5ChicksInTheCity

    SLW pullet or cockerel?

    There are recent pics from a couple days ago on page 2. They are like 3 1/2 months old.
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