Recent content by 5SweetChicks

  1. 5SweetChicks

    Egg Bound?

    My hen has been showing a few symptoms of being egg bound. I bathed her and fed her calcium but no egg. I thought she wasn't relaxed enough in the house to lay an egg so I took her back out to the coop. She will eat and drink and stay with the flock when I let them out. She is bright eyed and...
  2. 5SweetChicks


    First egg from my lovely amerucana X rhode island red. She laid it in the run, and laid the second one out there too!
  3. 5SweetChicks

    Will my hen walk normal again?

    Try and encourage her to walk a little bit more each day. Just like in people they can get stiff if they haven't moved around in a while. I think working with her getting her to walk a little bit each day should start to work.
  4. 5SweetChicks

    Limp in chicken due to broken blood feather

    Might be painful or just sore. That is all I can think of. Unless she has bumble foot.
  5. 5SweetChicks

     Crumble vs Pellets

    I prefer pellets because that is less mess. But my girls prefer crumble so that is what I buy :)
  6. 5SweetChicks

    Pecking wounds

    But some blukote on it. happens to my chickens sometimes when one on the lower end of the pecking order gets pecked too hard by another.
  7. 5SweetChicks

    Too many Roos?

    Yes that is too many roos. About 6-12 hens per rooster is good. I would either re-home the roos or buy a lot more hens.
  8. 5SweetChicks


    I would keep them in for a week or few maybe. Then I would let them out and watch how they do. Probably let them out for a certain amount of time and then put them back, so they know to go back. Gradually get them used to your land so they know their way around and always come back to the coop...
  9. 5SweetChicks

    Managing Your Flock

    They could have been shaken up about it. The hen eating the eggs may be eating all the eggs being laid. That could be why there isn't many eggs.
  10. 5SweetChicks

    meat chicks with egg layers

    I would separate the two. Because the meat chicks will always be on a different diet. I would keep the layer chicks on medicated for a little bit to make sure they are going to be healthy. As far as meat chicks, those would be on a higher protein diet that the layer chicks will not need.
  11. 5SweetChicks

    Pale face

    Thank you. I will check her out more tomorrow when I have time
  12. 5SweetChicks

    Pale face

    If she is missing feathers by her vent, does that mean she has mites? I can't get a good look at her until tomorrow.
  13. 5SweetChicks

    Pale face

    Hi, I noticed today that my hen's face looks a little pale. Other than that she seems fine. I'm wondering if she might have mites. We did have mites a while ago but I stopped treating them for it about a month ago. It's winter here now and maybe the cold is creating this? I'm not sure. Let me...
  14. 5SweetChicks

    PLEASE share your pictures, any pictures!!!

    I think one of them is mixed with Ara's. I like the 5th pic a lot too :) Thanks
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