Recent content by 7 Tuttle Hens

  1. 7 Tuttle Hens

    Chickens Don't go in the coop at night!!!

    Thank you all for the information. Good advise. The roost they have been sleep perching on IS the highest one in their enclosed run so I will take that one down and make sure they get into the coop at night. There is plenty of perching room for the girls inside their coop. I will be happy...
  2. 7 Tuttle Hens

    Chickens Don't go in the coop at night!!!

    I am new to BackYard Chickens. I am not sure if this is an issue or not so I am seeking advise. I am a new chicken owner. My girls are 13 weeks. We have a coop which is in a fully enclosed run. The run has perches of varying heights which they enjoy perching on. My concern is that at night...
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