Recent content by 907chickens

  1. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    Welcome CrowHop, I too live outside of Palmer
  2. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    In a coop with a yard. They dust all the time too. This has just happened in the last 5 days or so.
  3. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    20% protein from AK mill. Scratch mix and meal worms. Do we have mites up here?
  4. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    I have 10 birds. 8 are loosing feathers on their backs. They're only 7 months old. Could they be molting already or could it be something else? Any ideas are welcome. No roosters and hardly any pecking. Thanks
  5. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    Try one of the shed building businesses. We got one and it's worked out great. A little spendy but solid. It was only a couple hundred bucks more than the lumber I was going to buy and it was already built. My wife painted it to match the house. Before you get something from Lowe's or home...
  6. 907chickens

    North to Alaska!

    Howdy! New to this site and glad to see so many Alaskans here. Lots of good advice and tips. My first time raising chickens here. Different ballgame entirely from AZ. Glad to see so many from Wasilla Palmer area. Looking forward to reading this.
  7. 907chickens

    galvanized waterer

    I've got a 5 gallon galvanized water fount and I have it up on paving bricks. This keeps it alot cleaner than on the ground.
  8. 907chickens

    galvanized waterer

    Two gallons for 12 birds shouldn't last long enough to need changing.
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