Recent content by A.M. Eggs

  1. A.M. Eggs

    Repost: Swollen Eye

    I posted about this in an earlier thread; however, I felt that I should repost it with my new findings from observations made in the last few hours. For context, I found one of my hens acting lethargic with a swollen eye this morning. At first this and some nasal discharge was all I could find...
  2. A.M. Eggs

    Swollen Eye

    Opened her mouth to give oral meds and found white patches on the roof. This is normally a sign of pox, or is it just another symptom?
  3. A.M. Eggs

    Swollen Eye

    There is Tylan 50 injectable and from what you said it can be orally given? Also what are thoughts on microcyn or vetericyn+? Having trouble finding the terramicin.
  4. A.M. Eggs

    Swollen Eye

    Woke up this morning and found one of my hens acting lethargic. Upon further inspection I found her eye completely swollen, oozing and with bubbles. Checked for other problems and found some nasal discharge. Currently suspecting respiratory illness or sinus infection. Current plan of action is...
  5. A.M. Eggs

    Chick Breed Help

    I have had almost all of those breeds in my flock and they did fine as long shade and water was provided.
  6. A.M. Eggs

    Rooster survived coop collapse, now swollen foot.

    I want to add that this is to check for infection, bumble, or break/fracture/sprain.
  7. A.M. Eggs

    Rooster survived coop collapse, now swollen foot.

    If the foot is swollen, check if it is hotter than the other foot, look for any sort of scab or "cap", identify the behavior of walking (is he limping or not putting pressure on it), and any other things you may feel are important.
  8. A.M. Eggs

    Possible Early Frostbite?

    Hello. I have a hen with swelling at the ankles and a little at the knees. It has been cold up here for last few days with temps. as low as 12°F. I noticed the swelling on Thursday, and was called out today to take another look. The swelling was worse today. I have ruled out bumble foot...
  9. A.M. Eggs

    Rooster fight results in infected eye

    It definitely looks punctured. He looked better this morning, so that’s good. I’ll try to do some more cleaning with saline this afternoon. Thank you for the tips.
  10. A.M. Eggs

    Rooster fight results in infected eye

    I do not have any pictures at this time, but my rooster has an infected eye. Recently he and another rooster got into a fight, which disrupted the hierarchy of my whole flock. At first he only had the normal cuts that were easy to treat, but today I noticed that his eye was shut and had swelled...
  11. A.M. Eggs

    Chicks are pecking at pine shavings when good is right there

    They usually do peck at the shavings. It's instinct.
  12. A.M. Eggs

    Possible twisted tibia? 4 week old chick with twisted leg

    Looks like she is moving around just fine! I wouldn't be too worried. She's a trooper! Chickens are way stronger than you may think. One of my special needs (she's partially blind) overcame two serious infections back-to-back and is now doing really well.
  13. A.M. Eggs

    Do you intervene with a new chick?

    That chick has a mama so there's nothing for you to do. Although, keep an eye on the pair for any odd behaviors.
  14. A.M. Eggs

    Chicks are pecking at pine shavings when good is right there

    Are you sure that they are eating the shavings and not just pecking at the ground for fallen food (for some reason, they prefer this)? The shaving won't hurt them unless that is ALL that they eat. The shavings could tear at their gizzards and stomachs.
  15. A.M. Eggs

    She is a cross between a Barred Rock Rooster and a Buff Orpington. She's one of my favorite girls!

    She is a cross between a Barred Rock Rooster and a Buff Orpington. She's one of my favorite girls!
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