Recent content by abernathy93

  1. abernathy93

    Can a chicken lay more than one egg a day?

    I have 16 hens and last week I got 24 eggs in one day I normally get 12-15 a day I gave them some worms the day before (Happy Hen Snacks) and so I just laughed and told my husband they were happy so I bought some more of the worms and they have not done it again
  2. abernathy93

    a dog has attacked on of my chickens.

    a dog has attacked on of my chickens. It was bleeding but isn't anymore. It ripped the feathers & skin off under her wing. a big spot!! she won't eat or drink. I have her in the house in a box with a towel over the to to stay dark. she moves around but not good at all. (my son found an egg in...
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