Recent content by AccioSarah

  1. AccioSarah

    Should I get more hens for one of my roos?

    How many hens do you have? I've heard that you want 9-11 hens for each roo. I don't personally have any roosters (not allowed in my city), but this is what I've heard around the boards! :)
  2. AccioSarah

    What do you do with crouching hens?

    I do the same thing... I've been told they do that to "bow" to roosters, or do it to allow the Rooster to mount the Hen. But I take it as a dominance thing (makes it less weird), and I always give the girls a scratch on the back too.
  3. AccioSarah

    What is your plan when tornado is happening???

    I put them into the coop. My coop has posts dug into the ground, and I think it's secure enough to withstand high winds. And if a tornado was to actually come that close to my house and the chicken's coop, I don't think free ranging chickens would survive any better then one in a coop if...
  4. AccioSarah

    Integrating chicks and the Hens won't Lay! HELP!

    Quick back story: I have three hens, a RIR and two plymouth rocks. We also just got six new chicks who are now a month and a half old. In order to integrate them, we moved the hens into a temporary coop, and the chicks into the regular coop so they can get a little bigger before meeting the...
  5. AccioSarah

    Bit by the chicken math bug...

    I hear ya. Chicken math is a tricky thing. My family is allowed 4 hens in our backyard, we lost one, so we ordered six more. Now we are planning to keep 4 of those for a total of 7 chickens. Luckily, our neighbors are all big fans of free eggs, so we shouldn't have any problems.
  6. AccioSarah

    Really a Rhode Island Red?

    Quote: Agree Mine looked the same. The feathers will even out as it gets bigger. I also Agree. My RIR Lucy looked just like this too, and now she is a big beautiful feisty Rhode Island Red!!
  7. AccioSarah

    White Easter Egger? Or unknown breed?

    Fantastic!!! I was really hoping she would turn out to be an Easter Egger... I wonder if her pale legs means she'll lay light eggs? I guess I'll just have to wait and see! Thank you!
  8. AccioSarah

    White Easter Egger? Or unknown breed?

    I know that an Easter Egger's legs are supposed to be darker. We have two brown EE's in the brooder too and they have typical greenish legs. But could "Lemon" be a white Easter Egger with her lighter legs?
  9. AccioSarah

    White Easter Egger? Or unknown breed?

    Hello all! I recently received 6 lovely chicks from My Pet Chicken. We ordered three Buff Orpingtons, and Three Easter Eggers. Here is a picture of all six of them. We have been VERY confused by one chick though. One that my youngest sister has named "Lemon." Because of Lemon's light color...
  10. AccioSarah

    Nipple waterers for chicks?

    Just the simple questions: Can I use nipple waterers for chicks, or is it better to start them on a bowl type waterer then later teach them to use a nipple waterer when they move out to the coop? My other chickens learned to use the waterer later just fine, so that's not a concern, but I just...
  11. AccioSarah

    How old do you think they are? (PICTS) RIR's

    5-6 weeks looks about right to me... but they sure don't look like RIRs! At least my Rhodie didn't look like that at 5 weeks... I'm not very good at identifying breeds though... Edited: spelling error.
  12. AccioSarah

    Squatting, not squatting or just not tame?

    Quote: My girls were JUST like this. Two Barred Rocks and Two Rhode Island Reds. They liked to eat from my hand, and would stand near me, but if I extended my hand to pet them, they would bolt. Once they began to lay though- a few weeks after each laid her first egg they each had a change of...
  13. AccioSarah

    New to site and idea of chickens, lots of questions here.

    Hello and welcome to BYC!! I'm going to do my best to answer your questions. I'll post my writings in bold. First, before we decide to embark on this adventure, I was wondering if any of you ever leave your chickens alone for 3-5 days at a time? We travel out of state about once a month and...
  14. AccioSarah

    anyone have trouble with bantams and standards getting along?

    I'm having a very hard time integrating. We have three standards and one lonely bantam who is having a rough time. They are currently separated by wire, but the bantam needs a friend. We're looking to either adopt a fully grown bantam (hen) or we will get a chick or two in the Spring. But for...
  15. AccioSarah

    Introducing lone banty to established flock - need help and advice!

    Thanks for the responses! I think we'll try having the banty make friends with one of the big hens- whoever is the lowest in the pecking order I guess. I think we'll have to look into getting her a banty-hen friend, if it'll make her life more comfortable then we should do it. I'll be on the...
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