Recent content by Achickenfarmer

  1. Achickenfarmer

    St. John's Wort

    Achickenfarmer New Egg Registered: 08/13/2011 Posts: 2 E-mail PM Re: Marek's DiseaseThere is also a liquid form of Hypericum, in a dropper bottle. How can this be used? By the way, I put the tablet in a tablespoon of distilled water in a small glass custard cup, and that was an hour ago...
  2. Achickenfarmer

    St. John's Wort

    There is also a liquid form of Hypericum, in a dropper bottle. How can this be used? By the way, I put the tablet in a tablespoon of distilled water in a small glass custard cup, and that was an hour ago, and its still as hard as a rock, only got slimy. I have spent about $30 on the two items...
  3. Achickenfarmer

    St. John's Wort

    My 9 week old hen has all the symptoms of Marek's Disease. I followed your advice and went to the health food store (s). I came up with capsules, with the strenght of 450. How can I administer this. Later I went to another store and found tablets, with the strenght of 300. I believe the...
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