Recent content by acr1127

  1. acr1127

    What age to introduce new chickens to existing flock?

    I have a separate area in my coop that I can section off where I put my new babies when they are large enough and it is warm enough. I leave them in there until they start laying (mostly because they are on the baby feed until then). The older chickens are used to being with them behind the...
  2. acr1127

    large apparently fluid-filled bump on hen's rear

    hello! one of my hen's has a large bump on her rear, south of her vent off to the side. feathers are gone and it feels like it is filled with fluid (ewwwww!) it is about the size of a golf ball. she is still laying and doesn't seem bothered by it. do i need to pop it...i don't know if i can....
  3. acr1127

    first eggs?

    could my 2 month old chickens be laying eggs? some of the eggs seem awfully small for my mature hens.
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