Recent content by acwoodrum

  1. acwoodrum

    Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

    @Amiga Thank you for your response. although my girl only has one black spot it is MUCH larger than those I see on yours and yours doesn't appear to have any blood. Where do I get Duramycin? We have a Rural King and a Farm and Fleet nearby but both seem to be pretty useless when it comes to...
  2. acwoodrum

    Not Bumblefoot?

    I have an Indian runner duck that I just noticed is limping. She had what I thought initially was a large mud clod stuck to the bottom of her foot except it wouldn't come off. After cleaning it and noticing it was a black scab I assumed it was bumblefoot. I looked up many pictures and none seem...
  3. acwoodrum

    Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

    Help! Maybe you can tell me where I went wrong. I have a lovely duck that I just noticed has what I thought to be bumblefoot. Her mass is at least 5 times that of the one in your pictures (I would say larger than a marble...maybe the size of a "catseye" marble?) I soaked in epson salt water and...
  4. acwoodrum

    3 WK old turkey severely splayed leg

    I have a turkey who is about 3 weeks old with what I can only guess is a splayed leg. It began just a bit crooked and slowly slid more and more to the point of twisting nearly 180 degrees as it walks. I took it to the vet today (who is supposed to be a "bird vet") and after proclaiming he'd...
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